Drug Addiction and Rehab in Newark, NJ

Overcoming drug or alcohol dependence is never easy, with a range of treatment methods needing to be applied over an extended time period. Drug addiction and rehab is a large and complex field that includes intervention, medical detox, pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, and relapse prevention among other measures. Drug addiction and rehab centers don’t just help people to stop using drugs, they also give them the psychological support and skills needed for a successful long-term recovery. If you know anyone who needs help with drug addiction and rehab, it’s important to find professional help as soon as possible.  

Dependence vs. addiction

Drug addiction and rehab is a complex area that requires professional evaluation and treatment. Before starting a rehab program, it’s important to understand the difference between drug dependence and drug addiction. Drug or alcohol dependence can be recognized by the existence of withdrawal symptoms when substance use is discontinued. While psychological dependence is also possible, dependence is typically associated with specific physical-somatic withdrawal symptoms that present themselves when drug use is stopped or dosage levels are reduced. Psychoactive substances that cause physical withdrawal symptoms include alcohol, opiates such as heroin and oxycodone, and sedatives such as Valium and Klonopin. Drug dependence is typically treated through a combination of medical detox and rehab.

While drug or alcohol addiction is related to dependence, it involves a much more complex set of physical and psychological associations. While people who are addicted to drugs are also dependent on them, the opposite is not necessarily the case. For example, it’s possible for a patient to be physically dependent on their medications without developing the drug cravings or psychological attachment issues needed for an addictive relationship to develop. Drug and alcohol addictions are often accompanied by mental illness and other secondary problems, with extensive cognitive and behavioral therapy also needed in parallel with medical treatment.  

Reasons for treatment

The signs of drug dependence and addiction are often highly dependent on the substance in question. For example, while some drugs cause severe physical-somatic withdrawal symptoms upon cessation of use, others cause a psychological, motivational, or emotional reaction. Saying that, there are some general signs of drug abuse that can be recognized in the early days, including unhealthy mood swings, depression, anxiety, unexplained sedation or euphoria, changes to sleeping patterns, changes to eating patterns, and financial problems. If you know anyone who is experiencing these signs, it’s important to confront them and seek professional help before things get out of hand.

The drug treatment process

The drug treatment process includes a range of independent stages arranged in a sequential fashion, from the early days of crisis intervention and medical detox through to the later stages of relapse prevention and aftercare. Intervention is designed to get someone to accept professional help, medical detox enables the cessation of drug use under medical supervision, rehab addresses the psychological components of addiction, and aftercare promotes long-term recovery. While detox and rehab form the basis of most treatment programs, detailed aftercare support services are also important to promote sustainable and effective recovery. Just give Newark Drug Rehab Centers a call at (862) 930-4070 and start speaking with a caring addiction advocate.